Presents |

This is the best written book that I have ever read on the
subject. It should be required reading for all
physicians in training and practice.
Peter M. Pardoll, MD, MAC. President Florida
Gastroenterology Association
An invaluable primer for the beginner, a guide for
the experienced and also a reference book…for both
health care providers and attorney alike.
Karen DiCecco, MSN, RN, LNCC, Editor at Large, “Journal
of Nurse Consulting,” American Association of Legal
Nurse Consultants
A reference work (with) astute advice and helpful
recommendations, artfully detailed...From a review
by Alan G. Williams that appeared in the
“Journal of the American Medical Association”
The chance of an American physician finishing his or her
career without a malpractice claim is remote. In this
21st century American malpractice climate,
potentially every medical student, house officer,
practicing clinician, and academician will testify at
least once; either as a defendant or as a medical
Every physician executive-medical director, director of
medical education, & executive knows- or should know
this - and thus has a duty to adequately educate and
train the physician.
Gorney M. adapted from “Coping
with Bad News: The Physician Executive's Role in a
Lawsuit,” “Physician
2002 |
Written by
Hookman, MD, MHA, a clinician, experienced medical
expert, and the author of more than 50 peer-reviewed
Medical Malpractice Expert Witnessing:
Introductory Guide for Physicians and Medical
Professionals (11/07, ISBN-10: 1420058959, 592
pages) is a must-have resource for physicians, medical
teaching professionals and other health care
professionals, as well as for medical malpractice
attorneys, and law school teaching professionals.
Medical Malpractice Expert Witnessing:
Introductory Guide for Physicians and Medical
Professionals provides everything you need to
know to be an effective medical expert. (Also an
invaluable resource for physicians and other medical
professionals charged with medical malpractice.)
Among other things the book:
• Explains how to incorporate medical malpractice expert
witnessing into your practice.
• Details what to do and not do during a pending or
ongoing medical malpractice lawsuit.
• Provides advice for how to maintain a powerful
presence on the witness stand.
• Prepares you to answer embarrassing questions from the
opposing attorney intended to embarrass and trip you up
during cross-examination.
• Advises you about how to counter the Rule 26 Report
prepared by the opposing attorney as well as the Daubert
Discusses how physicians are investigated before and
after they provide testimony.
Advises you on how to manage attorney abuse.
• Explains how you can use legal theories and medical
analogies to strengthen your testimony.
• Provides examples of deposition questions that
opposing attorneys commonly ask medical experts as well
as advice for how to prepare
for a deposition.
• Explains the dos and don’ts of advertising for the
medical expert.
• Outlines key caveats of the attorney-physician
The book also features:
• Insights and advice from a trial judge and experienced
medical malpractice attorneys.
• Sample attorney work contracts for medical experts.
• Model medical expert and Rule 26 templates.
• HIPAA templates.
• Other time saving forms, agreements and templates.
• Comprehensive list of medical analogies to fit nearly
every case.
• CD-ROM full of in-depth articles of interest and value
to medical experts.
Deepen Your Understanding of How to Be an Effective
Medical Expert |

Medical Expert Testimony: Advanced Syllabus for Health
Care Professionals.
According to Alan G. Williams, JD, Reviewer for
the JAMA Book and Media Reviews Section
JAMA. 2010;303(4):369
“ A crowning achievement. ..serves as the definitive
text for medical expert witnesses or for
clinicians forced to participate
in the civil litigation .. keen
observations and astute recommendations.. provides
effective instructional tools ..for deposition
or trial cross-examination. ..Each topic is clearly
delineated and interspersed with text boxes
of facts and examples. ..
succeeds as a reference manual.. presents the identified
problem, the recommended remedy, and the
likely result.
Each section is followed by a list of sources
to aid the reader in exploring additional references
or materials.
Medical expert witnesses would do well to heed the
recommendations and advice presented in this
unique and insightful reference.”
Medical Expert Testimony: Advanced Syllabus for
Healthcare Professionals
Alan G. Williams, JD
JAMA. 2010;
303(4):367-371. doi:10.1001/jama.2010.28
Although Perry Hookman has previously written a valuable
reference manual regarding medical expert testimony in
malpractice cases (Medical Malpractice Expert
Witnessing: Introductory Guide for Physicians and
Medical Professionals), Medical Expert Testimony:
Advanced Syllabus for Healthcare Professionals represents
his crowning achievement. While at times a bit verbose
and superfluous with the dispensing of information, Medical
Expert Testimony nonetheless serves as the
definitive text for physicians seeking to augment their
income by serving as medical expert witnesses or for
clinicians forced to participate in the civil litigation
Click Here To Read Table of Contents Book II |
Medical Expert Testimony: Advanced Syllabus
for Health Care Professionals (June, 2009, ISBN:
978-0-9817570-0-1, 936 pages) teaches you:
• The strategies and tactics used by the opposition’s
attorney to make medical experts look biased and
incompetent and how to counter them.
• How to avoid court sanctions when you are testifying
as a medical expert.
• Medical expert and attorney mistakes to avoid.
• The kinds of information that judges and juries in
medical malpractice lawsuits need to know.
• CD-ROM with book includes nearly 3,000 sources,
references and links to resources for medical & legal
experts. |
Scroll down for key words found in both books plus
medical malpractice and expert witness websites.
(We have no relationship with any other malpractice
websites.) |