Medical Expert Witnessing-

Introductory Home Study Course Contents:  

Think of this course as “The practice of medicine in the courtroom.” The American Medical Association (AMA) as have most physician professional organizations advocate that “medical expert physician testimony should be part of the practice of medicine.” The American College of Physicians in 19901  and the AMA in 19982 adopted the policy that medical expert witness testimony by physicians be considered “part of the practice of medicine subject to peer review.”

1. Fish R, Rosen P. Physicians should be expert witnesses. J. Emerg. Med. 1990 Sep–Oct; 8: 659–663.

2. American Medical Association. Expert witness testimony (H-265.992). Available at:


MCj02902890000[1]     Homestudy course based on -

Book I-Medical Malpractice Expert Witnessing: Introductory Guide for Physicians and Medical Professionals” (Hardcover) by Perry Hookman, MD (Author) Hardcover: 27 chapters; 592 pages. Pub date 11/07. Publisher: Potomac Press-CRC; ; Language: English ISBN-10: 1420058959; ISBN-13: 978-1420058956; Dimensions: 10.1 x 7.1 x 1.4 inches; Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds; Price $239.95; includes CD-ROM.


Book II –“Medical Expert Testimony: Advanced Syllabus for Physicians and Medical Professionals”

(Hardcover) by Perry Hookman, MD (Author)  32 chapters; 936 pages. Proj.Pub date Spring 2009. Publisher: Potomac Press-CRC; ; Language: English ISBN: 978-0-9817570-0-1; ISBN:10:0-9817570-0-6 - Barcode (9780981757001.eps) Dimensions: 10.1 x 7.1 x 2.1 inches; Shipping Weight: 3.0 pounds; Price $289.95; includes CD-ROM.


This is what the Journal of the American Medical Association [JAMA. 2008;299(10):1197-1198.] had to say about Book I-“Medical Malpractice Expert Witnessing is unique in its focus on serving the  medical expert witness, as opposed to more generalized books that address the "expert witness" as a catchall for a variety of professions. Those physicians interested in learning more about or entering the field of providing expert witness in medical malpractice cases should consider this reference work for the astute advice and helpful recommendations artfully detailed.” - Alan G. Williams, JD, Reviewer; Book and Media Reviews. Journal of the American Medical Association [JAMA. 2008;299(10):1197-1198.]

“Medical Malpractice Expert Witnessing will prove helpful to those physicians venturing into the world of serving as expert witnesses in medical malpractice.” - Alan G. Williams, JD, Reviewer; Book and Media Reviews. Journal of the American Medical Association [JAMA. 2008;299(10):1197-1198.]

  • This home-study course is designed to meet the need for an increase in the quality of medical experts from the only current book on medical malpractice suitable as a text for potential doctor defendants and medical experts - at just a small fraction usually paid in tuition for the average course on the subject.
  • Each purchase of  three Chapter- lessons includes a 20 minute “one-on-one” self paced E-Mail coaching session from the author.


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Each Purchase includes 


BOOK I                                                                                     Price for E-mailed Copy in USD


1.               Introduction                                                                                                          $1.95


2.               Medical Malpractice and Tort Reform

                  in the United States Chapter                                                                               $4.95


Evaluation of the Current U.S. Medical Malpractice Tort System; Executive Summary; A Reality Check; Background; A Review of Objective Studies;

Plus References and suggestions for Further Reading


3.               Avoiding Problems with Qui Tam, HIPAA,

                  and Other Disciplinary Actions                                                                           $6.95


Introduction; Avoiding Whistle-Blower (Qui Tam) Suits;  What Is a Whistle-Blower? ; What Is Qui Tam?; The False Claims Act; Professional Journal Advertisements to Attract Clients; Qui Tam Adverse Publicity; Published Story #1; Published Story #2; Are You in Violation of the FCA?; Who Usually Initiates the Investigation?; What Should the Physician Do When She/He Finds out She/He Is a Target of Investigation?; What Should You Do in Case You Are Audited?; Medical Group Harmony:  Increase Satisfaction in Your Office and Decreases Qui Tam and Whistle-Blower Activity; Physician Compensation; Strategic Planning; Reduce Risks in Partnering with a Hospital; Physician/Hospital Partnerships or Joint Ventures; Would a Physician Extender Be Part of the Problem or Solution?; First the Upside of a Physician Extender; Now, the Downside to Physician Extenders; Preventive Actions; What Is Necessary for a Successful Physician/PA Team?; Hospitalists; The Obstetrics’ Laborist; Avoiding Problems with HIPAA; HIPAA Basics; HIPAA Privacy Rule; What Is the Privacy Rule?; Why Was This Regulation Needed?; What Does This Regulation Require an Average Physician Provider or Health Plan to Do?; HIPAA FAQ’s; Helpful HIPAA Hints; What the Practicing Physician Should Know about Medical Record Copying Costs and the HIPAA Privacy Rule; Modification to Medical Records Copying Charges Policies; A Note of Caution on the Effect of HIPAA on Clinical Research Performed Either in Hospital or in Physicians’ Private Office or Clinic; Conclusions; Physician Ethical Misconduct with Resultant Disciplinary Proceedings; What Situations Will Most Likely Result in Charges of Misconduct?; Preventive Moves; Proactive Actions; Good Office Procedures

Plus References

4.               Maritime Medical Malpractice                                                                          $8.95


Introduction; Alleging, Proving, and Defending Claims of Medical Malpractice under Maritime Law - By Leigh McMillan, J.D., LL.M.; Executive Summary:  How Ships’ Physicians Are at Medical Malpractice Risk; What Should a Potential Ship’s Physician Look for Prior to Signing on?; Physicians Employed by Cruise Ships; The Professional Duty Owed by the Physician; A Seaman’s Claim for “Failure to Provide Prompt and Adequate Treatment” under the Jones Act; Defenses to Claims of Negligent Treatment

Plus References

5.               Defensive Moves and Strategies to Avoid Medical Malpractice Suits

                  in Primary Medical Care and Specialty Practice                                               $10.95


Introduction; The Most Common Causes of Medical Malpractice Lawsuits; Preventable Ob-Gyn Errors in Primary-Care Medicine; Insertion of IUD into Pregnant Patient; Failure to Test for Fetal Abnormality; Failure to Inform Mother of Potential for Birth Defects; Failure to Appropriately Treat Maternal Illness; Using the Wrong Antibiotic in Pregnancy; Failure to Diagnose Gestational Diabetes; Preventable Errors in Surgery; Errors in Surgery Leading to Liability Payments; Delayed Surgery is Associated with High Mortality from Acute Abdomen in ICUs; Preventable Anesthesia Morbidity and Mortality; Preventable Imaging Errors; Prevention of Mammography Errors; Preventable Errors in Neurology; Orthopedic Medical Malpractice:  An Attorney’s Perspective; Many Errors in Gastroenterology Can Be Prevented by Prudent Patient Selection, Sedation, and Proper Indications for Endoscopic Procedures; The Missed Cancer Rate with Screening Colonoscopies; Poor Colonoscopic Technique Is Also Blamed for Colon Cancer Missed Rates in Colonoscopy; ERCP; Problems with Conscious Sedation Performed by Interventional Specialists Cardiologists, Radiologists, Gastroenterologists, and Others; Preventable Lab Errors; Dangerous Lab Errors; Important Points to Remember; Summary and Conclusion; Preventable Hospital Inpatient Errors Applicable to All Specialists; Proactive Strategies

Plus References

6.               Proactive Strategies to Reduce Malpractice Risks

                  in Primary Medical and Surgical Practices                                                        $12.95


Introduction; Patient Complaints Are Linked to Physician Malpractice Risk; What Have We Learned about Physician-Patient Relationships and Communication Problems?; The Dying Patient; Knowing What to Do During the Last Hours; Terms You Should Know; Death Notification Guidelines; Diagnostic Errors as a Source of Dissatisfaction and Malpractice Suits; The Key to Good Patient Management; Avoid These Common Denominators of Medical Malpractice Litigation; Avoidable Post-Hospital-Discharge Errors; Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) Are Almost as Common Among Outpatients and They Have Important Litigation Consequences; Low Adherence and Noncompliance of Patients to Treatment; Impact of Medication Nonadherence; Additional Preventive Move to Avert Malpractice Claims; The Problem of Obtaining Truly Informed Consent; Informed Consent in Intensive Care and Cardiac Care Units; Informed Consent Potential Problems with Attending Physician House Staff; Potential Solutions to the Problems with Informed Consent, ADES, and Nonadherence; Summary Points; Treatment with Strong Analgesics:  Points to Remember; Medical Malpractice Impact of Medication Nonadherence; Summary and Conclusion Points; Prevention of Adverse Drug Events and Common Medical Errors; Summary Points; Be Alert to the Second Epidemic of ADEs in Hospitals and Nursing Homes; Be Alert to ADEs in Office Patients; Prescriber’s Rule of Thumb:  Start Low and Go Slow; Rarely Be the First or the Last to Use a Drug; Addendum to Patient Compliance and Nonadherence

Plus References and Suggestions for Further Reading

7.               Proactive Strategies to Reduce Malpractice Risks in Psychiatry                    $13.95


Introduction; Preventable Psychiatry Errors; Failure to Provide a Comprehensive Evaluation and Safety Plan for Suicidal Patients; Proactive Strategies; Failure to Ensure a Safe Environment for Psychotic or Suicidal Inpatients; Proactive Strategies; Failure to Warn and Protect Others from Potentially Violent Patients; Proactive Strategies; Failure to Inform Patients about Side-Effect Risk; Proactive Strategies; Failure to Follow Appropriate Procedures When Away from Your Practice; Proactive Strategies

Plus References

8.               What You Must Know about Managed-Care Snares

                  and Punitive Damages                                                                                         $15.95


Managed-Care Liability Suits and Punitive Damages; Introduction; Judicial and Legislative Changes Portend More Frequent Litigation against Managed-Care Organizations; Liability and Punitive Damages in Managed-Care Medical Malpractice Suits; The MCO, However, May Be Liable for Patients Who Reasonably Expect to Look to the MCO Rather Than the Individual Physicians; The Same Punitive Damages Rationale May Be Followed by Medical Malpractice Attorneys in Claims Against MCOs with the Physician Placed in the Middle of These Dangerous Waters; Ethics of Medical Practice under Managed Care; Physician Temptations of Managed Care:  Bonuses and Rewards; Now Emulated by Medicare; July 2007, the Start of Medicare Pay for Performance (P4P); Pay-for-Performance Financial Terms to Understand; Electronic Medical Record Systems Now Necessary; Down Sides of P4P; Summary and Conclusions; The MCO Physician Is under Unusual Stresses and Greater Risks; Addendum:  Managed-Care Readings

Plus References and Suggestions for Further Reading

9.               How to Avert or Deal with a Potential Medical Malpractice

                  Suit:  Strategies of Averting Medical Malpractice                                            $8.95


Introduction; Theory and Principles of Medical Malpractice Management; Definition of Medical Risk Management; Methods of Risk Management; The Physician-Patient Encounter; Patient Communication; Principles of Physician-Patient Communication; Closure in the Patient Encounter; The Companion’s Role in the Physician-Patient Encounter; The Practical Aspects of Risk Management; Physicians Must Be Proactive in Detecting Sources of Problems; Risk Management Documentation Techniques; New Studies Perceived by Patients as Standard of Medical Care; Handling Stress Is Part of Dealing with a Medical Malpractice Claim; The Summons; The Stress of an Impending Medical Malpractice Suit; The Discovery Period; Aftermath of a Medical Malpractice Suit; The Apology Movement; Thoughts on the Apology Movement; Negligence of Your Physician Replacement; Your Malpractice Insurance Policy; Computerized Medical Records - Will They Be the Solution or Add to the Problem of Medical Malpractice Risks?; Five Suggestions on New Technology; Fear of Lawsuits against Hospitals and Doctors’ Offices/Practices That Share Data

Plus References 

10.             What to Do and Not to Do in a Pending or Ongoing Malpractice Suit           $12.95


What Not to Do If and When You Are Notified about a Malpractice Action; What Should You Do?; Questions to Answer for Your Attorney; Did You Adhere to Good Charting Criteria?; Did You Adhere to Documentation Do’s and Don’ts?; Warnings; Preventive Moves; Deviations from Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Standard of Medical Care; Examples of Published Nonadherence to Medical Guidelines by Physicians; Example 1; Example 2; Example 3; Reasons Why Physicians Do Not Adhere to CPGs and the Standards of Care?; Ten Preventive Moves; Miscellaneous Preventive Protection Methods Used by Physicians against Medical Malpractice Litigation Threats; Going Bare; Asset Protection; Medical Malpractice Insurance; Why Be Ethical?

Plus References 

11.             Alternate Dispute Resolution as an Alternative to Medical Malpractice

                  Litigation:  Alternate Dispute Resolution, Mediation, and Other Options

                  for the Defendant Physician                                                                                $13.95


Your Options as a Physician Defendant; Litigation Focus Groups; Mock Trials; The Mock Jury:  The Mock Jury Graduates from Law School; Tort Reforms; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Terms in Use in ADR; Alternate Dispute Resolution Definitions; How Mediation/ADR Works and Saves Time and Money; Who Decides on ADR?; Why Litigate the Case in Court?; Should Your Malpractice Attorney Suggest or Decide on ADR?; The Two-Track Model; Attorney Fees in the Two-Track System; National Practitioner Data Bank; Summary of Points Made in the Peer-Reviewed Literature

Plus References

12.             Caveats on Testifying Physicians-Attorney Relationships                               $14.95


Introduction; Attorney’s Initial Relationship with the Potential Medical Expert; What Background and Characteristics Is the Potential Retaining Attorney Looking for in You?; Rules of Thumb on Accepting Cases; My Advice to You on Advertising; My Advice to You on Unsolicited Letters to Attorneys for Referrals; Summary of My Advice to You on Expert Directories; Verbum sat sapient - A Word to the Wise; The DWP Syndrome; E-mail Scams; Example of Attorneys Fishing for Favorable Opinions

13.             How Physicians Can Be Investigated Prior to Trial:

                  Investigating the Medical Expert Witness                                                         $15.95


Investigating the Testifying Physician:  Forewarned Is Forearmed; Introduction; First a Warning; Sources of Information on Testifying Physicians That Can Be Obtained by Attorneys; Investigating Your Past; Any Gaps in Your CV?; Checking into Your Past Testimony; Checking into Your Disciplinary Record; Checking Your Past Hospital Medical Staff Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Affiliations and Terminations; Yes, Your Life Is Really an Open Book; Other Techniques to Investigate the Physician; Investigation of the Testifying Physician; What Other Investigation Tools Does the Opposition Have to Uncover Facts about You?; Summary and Conclusions

Plus References

14.             Overview of a Medical Malpractice Trial                                                          $12.95


Introduction; A Trial Has a Definite Format and Order; The Closing Argument; Subpoena; The Oath; Maxims; Trial Testimony; Your Direct Examination; Puff and Stuff; Helpful Hints; Trial Tips

Plus References

15.             Introducing the Physician to Legal Testimony:  Preparing

                  the Defendant Physician for Testimony                                                             $17.95



Introduction; Gold Nuggets Executive Summary; Strategies for First Time Medical Expert Witnesses

Plus References

16.             A Trial Judge’s Advice to the Testifying Physician

                  on Enhancing Credibility in Court                                                                       $18.95


Reducing the Fear of the Unknown; Visit the Courtroom; Go through a Dry Run; Use Imagery; Control the Environment; Dress Professionally to Persuade; Maintain a “Powerful” Posture on the Witness Stand; Make Eye Contact; Avoid Indicators of Deception; Speak Clearly and Confidently; Anticipating the Trips and Traps Used to Discredit Witnesses; Nonverbal Techniques to Unnerve a Witness; Why Can’t You Just Answer “Yes” or “No”?; Jargon; “Always,” “Never,” and “Isn’t It Possible...” Questions; Implying the Witness Is Biased; Conclusion

Plus References


17.             Medical Malpractice Terms and Definitions

                  for the Testifying Physician                                                                                 $15.95


Medical Malpractice; Burden of Proof; How Are Standards of Medical Care Determined?; Was the Standard of Care Breached?; What Is the Standard of Medical Care for the Prudent Physician?; Changing Standards of Medical Care Examples; Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases; New AHA Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations; New Guidelines for Evaluating and Managing Diverticulitis; Metronidazole Plus Rifampin for Clostridium difficile - Primum Non Nocere; Definitions; Concern by the Public about the Credibility of Medical Expert Testimony in Malpractice Litigation; First, the Bad News; The Facts:  Expert Witness Testimony; The Better News; Expert’s Liability for Negligence; Federal and State Rules; Medical Review Panels; Sources on Vicarious Liability for Further Reading

Plus References and Suggestions for Further Reading

18.             Medical Malpractice Terms and Tips for the Testifying Physician                  $19.95



The Judge:  Paucis verbis - in Few Words; Tips for the Medical Expert Witness; The Medical Expert and Consultant Expert; More Tips for the Medical Expert Witness; Question:  How Much Are You Being Paid?; Your Written Communications; Reports; Summary of Recommendations

Plus References and Suggestions for Further Reading

19.             How to Prepare for and Handle Your Deposition:

                  Deposition Preparation for the Physician                                                           $22.95

“The chapter on preparing oneself for deposition when serving as an expert witness is particularly instructive; there, the author draws on his extensive career as a professional expert witness to impart astute suggestions for the novice.” -Alan G. Williams, JD, Reviewer; Book and Media Reviews Section Editor: John L. Zeller, MD, PhD, Contributing Editor. Journal of the American Medical Association [JAMA. 2008;299(10):1197-1198.]


Part I:  General Orientation; Discovery; Be Prepared for Your Deposition; Depositions:  Preparation of the Defendant Physician for Deposition; Defending Your Patient Care; Present Yourself as Confident and Competent; Deposition Testimony; Your Report; Example of Rule 26 Reports; Introduction:  Example; Example of a Medical Report for the Retaining Attorney Representing the Plaintiff; Examples of a Medical Report for the Plaintiff’s Retaining Attorney (All Names Disguised); Conclusions; Deposition “Routine” Questions; Preparation for These Deposition Questions; Questions on Your Expert Report; Suggested Response Preparation to Deposing Attorney’s Pre-deposition Requests; Deposition Goals of the Opposing Attorney; Deposing the Opposing Expert; What Are You Going to Be Asked to Bring Along with You to the Deposition?; At the Deposition; Do Not Forget the Other Objectives of the Opposing Attorney in Taking Your Deposition; Prepare for This Core Outline of Basic Deposition Questions; Spot Quiz; Additional Questions

Plus References

20.             How to Manage Attorney Abuse                                                                        $22.95


Abuse of Experts; What Constitutes Abuse and How Will You Recognize It?; How to Recognize the Beginning of Subtle Attorney Abuse Either at Deposition or Trial; Fight Your Impulses and Do Not Yield to Temptation; So How Should You Properly Handle Abuse?

Plus References

21.             Ten Examples on the Daubert Impact on Physician Testimony                        $15.95

“The chapters [chapters 21, 22 24 below] on legal standards of medical testimony (the "Daubert principle") are detailed and expansive. The portions of Medical Malpractice Expert Witnessing that  address serving as an expert witness are, for the most part, beneficial and occasionally brilliant. These chapters provide detailed advice for handling combative attorneys, rendering sworn testimony, dealing with cross-examination, parrying legal challenges, and speaking in "non-Medicalese,"- Alan G. Williams, JD, Reviewer; Book and Media Reviews Section Editor: John L. Zeller, MD, PhD, Contributing Editor. Journal of the American Medical Association [JAMA. 2008;299(10):1197-1198.]


Summary of the Daubert Trilogy; Example 1; Example 2; Example 3; Example 4; Example 5; Example 6; Example 7; Example 8; Example 9; Example 10; How to Help Prevent an Effective Daubert Challenge to Your Testimony

Plus Reference

22.             The Use of Evidence-Based Medicine to Fend Off a Daubert

                  and Cross-Examination Challenge of Your Medical Opinion(s)                       $25.95


Introduction; You Must Understand Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM), Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), and Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) Terms; Additional EBM Terms to Understand; EBM Grades; How Do We Get to EBM the Long Way?; How Do We Get to EBM the Easier Way?; EBM Conclusions; The Use of Clinical Practice Guidelines in Testimony; What Is Your Minimum Task in a Daubert and Cross-Examination Challenge to Your Testimony; Documenting the Scientific Studies Supporting Your Testimony on the Standard of Care in a Daubert and Cross-Examination Challenge; What Is the Standard of Medical Care?; Biased RCTs and Guidelines; Potential Daubert and Cross-Examination Challenges to Your Testimony Especially for Academics, RCT, and CPG Authors; You Must Also Know the Implications and Challenges to Multiple, Biased, and Even Small Nonbiased CPGs and RCTs; Summary and Conclusions

Plus References and Suggestions for Further Reading

23.             Resource of Legal Theories, Themes, and Analogies

                  for the Medical Expert Witness                                                                          $26.95

The author” offers tips on legal theories, themes, and analogies enhancing the credibility and weight of expert opinion.” -Alan G. Williams, JD, Reviewer; Book and Media Reviews Section Editor: John L. Zeller, MD, PhD, Contributing Editor. Journal of the American Medical Association [JAMA. 2008;299(10):1197-1198.]


Introduction; What Is an Analogy?; What Is a Jingle?; What Is a Theme? - Examples; Ethnic Restaurant Menus of a Variety of Potential Themes; Pick from Columns A-H; Column A:  Aesop’s Fables:  The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg; Column B:  Mottos/Morals from Aesop’s Fables; Column C:  Maxims/Proverbs; Column D:  Proverbs/Famous Quotations; Column E:  Latin Quotations Found in Operas and Classic Literature; Roman Menu; Column E:  Proverbs/Maxims from Ancient Rome and Greece; Greek Menu; Column F:  More Modern Quotations That Can Be Used as Themes; Column G:  The Classics; Column H:  Litigation Combat; Yiddish Menu of Proverbs and Common Sayings; Let All Who Testify Remember These Words of Caution

Plus References

24.             Example of Translating for the Jury; Medicalese                                             $2.95

                  into Understandable Englishlish



Jury Translations into English; First a Case Discussion in Medicalese; CC and HPI; Medical Course; Standard of Medical Care Discussion; Introduction; Standard of Medical Care; Translating the Same Case to a Jury from Medicalese to Understandable English; Background; Physical Examination; Medical Course; Standard of Medical Care Discussion; Introduction; Standard of Medical Care

Plus References

25.             Lessons from My Expert Testimony Mistakes                                                 $35.95

 “The chapter summarizing the lessons the author has learned in his 20-year career is similarly excellent. Showing rather than telling, this chapter uses actual exchanges between the author and opposing attorneys to demonstrate both the best type of responses and the potential pitfalls when testifying. This chapter concludes with a keen critique of the printed testimony by a seasoned malpractice attorney.” - Alan G. Williams, JD, Reviewer; Book and Media Reviews Section Editor: John L. Zeller, MD, PhD, Contributing Editor. Journal of the American Medical Association [JAMA. 2008;299(10):1197-1198.]

“When the author writes on his cases when serving as a professional expert witness—the book is at its best and should assist prospective physician expert witnesses.”-  Alan G. Williams, JD, Reviewer; Book and Media Reviews Section Editor: John L. Zeller, MD, PhD, Contributing Editor. Journal of the American Medical Association [JAMA. 2008;299(10):1197-1198.]


Introduction; Summary of Medical Expert Rules and Code of Ethical Conduct for the Physician Expert Witness; Taft v. Salvador I; My Testimony with Commentary; Direct Examination by Counsel for Plaintiff; Taft v. Salvador II; The Cross-Examination; Additional Rules for Physician Testimony I Learned the Hard Way; Taft v. Salvador III; Taft v. Salvador IV; Taft v. Salvador V; Further Examination by Counsel for Plaintiff; Critique of Hookman Testimony in Salvador Case by Tim Junkin, Esq. (Medical Malpractice Attorney); Direct Examination

Plus References

26.             Critiques and Golden Nuggets for Physician Defendants

                  and Medical Expert Witnesses                                                                           $40.95

“This, is the penultimate chapter which represents an accumulation of articles, columns, and "golden nuggets" penned by attorneys and physicians regarding those serving as expert witnesses. Drawn from other publications, this anthological chapter includes both general advice and incisive strategies providing additional perspectives on the practice of expert witnessing.”- Alan G. Williams, JD, Reviewer; Book and Media Reviews Section Editor: John L. Zeller, MD, PhD, Contributing Editor. Journal of the American Medical Association [JAMA. 2008;299(10):1197-1198.]


Introduction; “Under Oath:  Tips for Testifying” by William P. Isele; “Succeeding as an Expert Witness:  Increasing Your Impact and Income” by Harold A. Feder; “The Trial Lawyers” by Emily Couric; “The Expert Witness Marketing Book:  How to Promote Your Forensic Practice in a Professional and Cost-Effective Manner” by Rosalie Hamilton; “The Expert Witness Handbook:  Tips and Techniques for the Litigation Consultant” by Dan Poynter;

“Effective Medical Testifying:  A Handbook for Physicians” by William T. Tsushima; “Malpractice:  A Trial Lawyer’s Advice for Physicians” by Walter G. Alton, Jr.;

“Clinicians in Court:  A Guide to Subpoenas, Depositions, Testifying, and Everything Else You Need to Know” by Allan E. Barsky and Jonathan W. Gould; “Testifying in Court:  Guidelines and Maxims for the Expert Witness” by Stanley L. Brodsky; “Testifying in Court:  The Advance Course” by Jack E. Horsley; “Effective Expert Testimony” by David M. Malone and Paul J. Zwier; “Legal Answer Book for Managed Care Aspen Health Law Center” by Patricia Younger et al.; Adapted Cross-Examination Nuggets for Physicians; “The Effective Deposition:  Techniques and Strategies That Work” by David M. Malone and Peter T. Hoffman, “Deposition Practice Handbook:  How to Take and Defend Depositions” by LJ. Chris Martiniak,

“The Art of Cross Examination” by Francis L. Wellman; Summary of Points That I Find Interesting in These Books; “Cross Examination:  The Comprehensive Guide for Experts” by Steven Babitsky and James J. Mangraviti; “How to Become a Dangerous Expert Witness:  Advanced Techniques and Strategies” by Steven Babitsky and James J. Mangraviti, Jr.; “Anatomy of Cross Examination:  A History and the Techniques of an Ancient Art” by Leonard E. Davies, “Expert Rules:  100 and More Points You Need to Know about Expert Witnesses” by David M. Malone and Paul J. Zwier, “Expert Witnesses” by Faust F. Rossi; More Nuggets and Points of Interest from the above Generic Expert Books; What to Expect from Cross-Examination?; Questions to a Teaching Medical Expert or University Medical Expert; What to Expect about the Issue of Your Fees?; “How to Excel During Depositions:  Techniques for Experts That Work” by Steven Babitsky and James J. Mangraviti, Jr.; “Art of Advocacy:  Cross Exam of Non-Medical Expert” by Matthew Bender; “ABA’s Practice Checklist Manual on Taking Depositions” by Gregory P. Joseph; “Defense Counsel Journal,” Rex K. Linder; Nuggets from These Generic Expert Books Adapted for Testifying Physicians;

 “The Psychiatrist as Expert Witness” by Thomas G. Gutheil; “Cross Examination of Witnesses:  The Litigator’s Puzzle” by T. Aron; Summary of the Only Points That I Agree with in This Book; “The Deposition Handbook” by Dennis R. Suplee and Diana S. Donaldson; Report Writing; Deposition Transcripts Points; “Talk Is Cheap:  Using the Pretrial Deposition to Advantage an Examining Expert’s Trial” by R. Dietz; Depositions Points; Irving Younger’s “The Art of Cross Examination”; “Medical Malpractice Law” by Angela Roddey Holder, “Medico-Legal Forms with Legal Analysis” Published by the American Medical Association, “Malpractice Solutions, Coming to Doctors’ Defense” by James Rosenblum, “Expert Testimony:  A Guide for Expert Witnesses and the Lawyers Who Examine Them” by Steven Lubet; Depositions; Theory Testing; Strategy; Incremental Questions; Concessions to “Common Sense” Questions; Ambiguous Questions; Argumentative Questions; Cross-Examination Challenges to Your Credentials; Impeachment from Prior Contrary Opinions; Impeachment from Biased, Nonapplicable, or Otherwise Wrong Published Clinical Guidelines; Need I Say This?  Do Not Trust the Cross-Examiner; Predicate or Partial Truth Questions; The Perfection Fallacy/the Ideal Test/the Gold Standard Question; The Chess Match

Plus References and Suggestions for Further Reading

27.             Medical Expert Witness Rewards                                                                      $5.95


Academic and Teaching Rewards of a Testifying Medical Expert Witness; Rewards of My Medicolegal Case Reviews

Plus References and Suggestions for Further Reading


CD Contents                                                                                                                          $99.95

Index                                                                                                                                       $2.95